Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Getting my Star Wars on.

Today's comic is the first of three that I'm putting together in preparation for my upcoming appearance at Supanova, which I have recently discovered is spelled "Supa" not "Super", so I will now refer to it as such.
Apparently they love their fan-art there, and I'm a bit behind on that kind of thing so I'm catching up.

I figured I'd bust out something a bit classy as it's a special occasion.

If you are headed to the Melbourne Supanova this year (on the 16th and 17th of April, tickets are available online or at the door) you can find me as part of the Something Collective, who will be occupying tables 68, 71, and 101 in the Alley.

Not to be confused with the alley (small a) where kids wag school and smoke cigarettes.
Kids still do that, don't they?

I plan to be busting my moves at table 71, but I encourage everyone to check out the rest of the tables as well. I will post updates if anything changes, and repeat myself ad nauseam if they don't.

By "busting my moves" I of course mean sitting and drawing.
Some traditional move-busting may also be available.

Preparing some fly moves,
~King Longburns.