Tuesday, 10 September 2013

You may have a virus or two.

Welcome again, my honored guest.
Take a seat and enjoy the roast soup-of-the-day. Today it is whole pig.

Some of you may know this already, but as a King, my responsibilities extend to IT support. In this role I have seen many computers, and I have indeed managed to notice a few trends.
The above is entirely true. I think I have seen this rule broken maybe twice, and that's over a period of almost six years now.
I don't mean to be rude about people's computers of course - that's what the Court Jester is for. Most people keep their computers in an entirely acceptable state. Some people are indeed very apologetic about their entirely spotless laptop.

Occasionally, however, I will encounter a computer that could only be described as...     ...unclean.

I have seen laptops covered in a thin but uniform coating of grease. I have seen several sporting more than a few pieces of chocolate. I've also seen what I like to tell myself are beard hairs, but really, were probably pubes.

I'd like to ask people one thing if I may: While you are more than welcome to keep your computer in whatever state you like, if you are going to require someone else to touch it, do please give it a bit of a wipe down first.

Washing his royal hands once again,
~King Longburns.