Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Kerbal Space Rescue Program

Greeting from Moon Castle Alpha.
Our scientific studies of the rocks here are progressing nicely, and I have adopted one of the rocks as a pet. I have named him Mumphrey.
Please send more blankets as it is cold on the moon. Also, Mumphrey has eaten all of the peanuts, so please send more of those.

If you don't know already, today's comic is about Kerbal Space Program, a delightful game where you hurl tiny astronauts into space using huge rockets and then lose them. Well that's been my experience anyway. It's basically a NASA simulator that lets you assemble rockets in a big hangar and then hope that you understand rocket science enough for them to get into space. If you're ok at the game you can get stuff into orbit, and maybe to the "Mun". If you're actually good at the game you can get little guys all the way to other planets.

I am only "ok" at this game. I did manage to get little people to the moon. Then I managed to rescue them from the moon with a different rocket. Bob Kerbin did indeed spend four whole in-game years free floating in orbit, and then I did indeed almost wipe him out with the rescue vehicle, like some runaway space bus.
I did get him down in the end though, so don't worry.
Although, I think he actually preferred it up there

I have tried to get better at the game, but every time I try to get through one of the advanced tutorial pages on the wiki I get to the equations and I realise that I am not actually a physicist and go back to my "more rockets, more struts" strategy. There has been a lot of trial and error in my rocket designs, and more importantly in my general flying technique. I tend to launch a rocket or attempt a mission, watch it fail horribly, and then go and figure out how I was supposed to have done it.

For example; the only reason why Bob got lost in space was because I didn't know what button turned his jet-pack on, so he just drifted away.
Also I didn't know how to load a quicksave, so when I screwed up the moon landings I had to start over from launch.
That was a bit lame.

Many kerbals died.

Drawing up plans to get Bob back into orbit,
~King Longburns.